Saturday, October 31, 2009

Ok so i get really bad head aches and migrains what to do?

i get head aache slike almost daily and the last the whole day and ill get a really bad mirgrain every once and a while. my mirgains get worse each time. i get massages to reduce the risk of migrains and headaches but i still get em. ive been to the doctor a million times about this and had a catscan bu tnothing and they dont know y. any u might no?
there are many triggers for migraines some which are not so well known. you could be allergic to something IN your pillows or bedroom, many foods and drinks are triggers also. i have had migraines for over 20 years and i know you pain. i found a dr that believed me and helped me. i now take preventative medications every night before bed and it helped SO MUCH. i have found thru research that many migraine sufferers are magnesium deficient and i take a supplement. i now have fewer break thru migraines and they are also less intense. find a dr that specializes in migraines.

if you do drink coffee/cola,,,do NOT quit that cold turkey , withdrawl from caffiene with also cause massive headaches, better to wean off of it slowly
Some doctors tell migraine sufferers to go somewhere cold, very dark and quiet and to drink a pepsi. This all has to do with blood flow in the brain I believe, and relief from stimuli that exacerbates the problem. Some sufferers do not respond to any treatment.
change your pillows. Alot of headaches are caused from a bad nights sleep. the way your neck is positioned can tweek a vein or muscle causing a massive headache. It also might be exposure to bright lights. try doing less stressful things and sleep
Lay off the coffee and chocolate for a while and maybe cheese too, assuming you eat and drink these things. I was told they can set off migraines and I know that at least coffee does for me.
Have you checked what you are eating? Try keeping a diary of your food and check it against when you get a headache.
I used to get a migraine when certain foods got mixed.
If I had any combination of chocolate, cheese and alchohol on the same day then I suffered. Sounds obvious but sometimes you don't realise, have a cream cheese bagel at breakfast then at dinner time you have a pud with a cocoa sprinkle on it. A couple of hours later you're unwell. It can take time to figure if there is a connection. If there is soon you'll be able to keep track without writing it down. For me after a couple of months the gaps between headaches were getting longer, a few years on I haven't had a migraine in over a year.
i know that doing exercises and weight lifting has helped my family members get rid of migraines.

and laying off the coffee.

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