Sunday, October 25, 2009

Nervous Breakdown!! PLZ HELP!?

My name is Paula. I'm 18. ok i feel like im loosing it lately. Ive got so much too do, and there is soo much stress on me. I can't take it anymore, i feel like im going to loose it or go nuts really badly. Ive got projects due and to present them, a piano recitial coming up on sunday and i just cant take it any more. I have no idea who to turn to or where to go!! Please help!
Wow. You sound like me sometimes. I play the piano too. In college it was the worst before a recital... I had memorized a 13 page Shubert Sonata ( in B flat), and was so nervous. I sounded alot like you at that time.

When you have that added stress (that not everyone can relate to), and projects and relationship ( with friends, family, guys), it can become overwhelming.

Just remember it will get better and try to take things one at a time. Advice I often give but forget to use myself is to make lists.

It really helps if you make a list of the things you need to do; then break it down to things that have to be done today, tomorrow, next week, and it hopefully will help calm your mind.

Another suggestion is while you're making your list (tonight), start a bath for yourself ( if you have access to a bath...otherwise a nice hot shower later).

Take a few minutes and just reflect on your list and just take care of one thing before you go to bed.

Break a leg on Sunday!!
do you have a daily planner? if not then you should get one. planning can help prevent nervous breakdown. or you can just pop those vicodin pills and relax.
oh.. well, hope you do well.. get workin on projects instead of goofin around on comp. wait till you have rent/mortgage, bills comin out your backside and kids to cloth and feed and work to maintain.. get used to stress.. find ways of focusing on what needs to be done first.. good luck
Take a deep breath for starters. That doesn't take too long to do.

You can only do as well as you can do considering your circumstances. You lose valuable time working yourself up into a tizzy about things coming up. Take one step at a time and start now.

In the future, consider not biting off more than you can chew, so to speak. This day shall pass and one day you can look back on it and feel good about yourself for trying. Good for you for taking a lead role in your own life!
Just STOP everything that you are doing right now....
After u stop take a seat and 5 deep breaths now relax.
i have been in similar situations in college. Today is tuesday. focus on tomoroows work only especially if its going to be due soon and then work ur way up from there. The point is not to stress, try to find a way to maximize ur work load in a little bit of time or seek extensions u may have to ditch piano. bboks first! good luck
I 2nd what 'reeksofhoney' said...and can't add any value to their post!

However, I can tell you this...if you think 'life' has YOU at the end of YOUR rope..thank God you're not me right now! I have to deal with the fact that my 12 year marriage is over and that my 'ex' is now having the baby we should have had years ago with some dude whose 11 years younger then she (39 vs 28), and who has a criminal record and is a 'dead-beat-dad' to the tune of $10,000 dollars!

Every day I fight from not eating cold steel!

So, don't always assume that what is going wrong in your life right now is any worse then what is happening in someone else's life. I'm not saying that what you're dealing with is any less of an issue to you personaly..but when you feel like this again and I'm sure it'll happen one day in your life...just think positive..and always be happy that you've got a roof over your head and can put food on your plate and that you're not stuck in some 3rd world country where famine and disease run rampant!


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