Sunday, October 25, 2009

Numbness in my back by my right shoulder blade?

I have had this for about 2 years now. Everytime I lift heavy objects or do excersize. What could this be?
You've pinched a nerve no doubt. See a chiropractor.. it could take several visits to get it fully corrected... Find one that will actually get in and do some dirty work on your back instead of using a little instrument that looks like a needle with a rubber ball at the end...

Quit your heavy lifting and excerise for a while and use hot pads. A nice Hot bath with epson salts really helps loosen up muscles that could be pulling your back out of place.

Put 1 cup of epson salts into your running bath water. Make the water as HOT as you can stand it. Add 1/2 of regular salt to the water too.

Lie down in the tub as far as you can go without drowning. (pretty much up till the water is between your nose and mouth.). Stay there for about 20 min. Drain out 1/2 the water. Add more HOT water to fill tub back up. Stay there for another 10 min. The epson salts relax the mucles. (If you were to take it internally - which is not suggested - it would do the same inside your body and give you the runs... it just loosens everything thing up)

Get out and relax on your bed... maybe get a book or watch a show for about 1/2 hour...

pull your chin down to your chest to stretch your neck... Work it from side to side, slowly. If possible, hang your upper torso off your bed to stretch your back... or hang upside down from a bar like you would as a kid.

This will help loosen up those muscles.
Pinched nerve. You might consider seeing a chiropractor.

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