Sunday, October 25, 2009

Not a joke . i have a friend that must spend at least 2 hours each day sitting on the toilet?

today i know that she has spent at least 4 hours doing this .
what on earth is the matter with this woman .
i do know she has ocd . and that she uses tylenol and codine everyday this is not given her by a doctor. in addition she is hooked on clonazapam .
i cant think what a person would be doing that they need to spend so many hours each day on the toilet.
this is not a joke . if you have any real idea's of what the lady would be doing in there for that amount of time please tell me
oh and yes for years i have asked her what she is doing in there.
one more thing she cant use the toilet if anyone is in the home at the time. she must be alone in the house . what on earth is up with that . have u ever heard of such a thing??
please no silly joke answers .
Two things here. Codeine is a narcotic and high doses can cause constipation. The person may be only passing small amounts of stool and straining hard to do that.
Second, and most likely, this person has a major problem with her OCD. She needs to be on the proper medication for this condition. Where is she obtaining these medications? These are controlled substances and require a physician to order in the USA.
Your friend need to be seen by a good mental health professional.
why don't she go to a doctor??
and take pills
Maybe, she has chrone's disease. Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes inflammation or ulceration of the digestive tract. It can affect any part of your digestive tract, but it is most common in the last part of the small intestine (ileum) and the large intestine (colon).

Crohn's disease affects the deepest layers of the lining of the digestive tract, causing deep sores called ulcers.

Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis (which affects the colon and rectum) are the most common types of inflammatory bowel disease, with ulcerative colitis being more common.
Well, you answered your own question, she has ocd. There may be some "ritual" she needs to do. Also, the prescriptions she is taking constipate a person, so she may be taking laxatives to combat that.
The reason she's in the rest room so much is that she can't poop. The codeine in the pills can cause you to get constipated. She needs to see a doctor as soon as possible, she can be compacted. She can really get sick with all toxins in her bowel. The Dr. can give her a laxative to help her.

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