Sunday, October 25, 2009

Need to take a dump!?

I need to take a dump but the bathroom nearby is filthy. It is a long walk to the next restroom what should I do?
Ps. I would use one of those paper liner things however they don't have any and I am too embarraced to ask for some.
Are you walking around with a laptop posting questions about having to take a poopy? GENIUS!
In times like these, I like to remember that the first humans of the world didn't have toilets.
Use toilet paper to make your own toilet bowl liner thing. Or just walk to the next bathroom. If you have the time to sit here waiting for answers, I think you'll make it.
put toilet paper over the seat. or you can take a dump without even touching the seat. not very comfortable, but my brother says thats what he does. or you could just get over it.
Either use the dirty restroom or walk to the farther one.

'Paper liner things' (if I'm thinking of the same thing as you) on toilets can be substituted by just putting some toilet paper on the seat.

Defecating anywhere other than a restroom in unsanitary, a public health risk, and I think probably even illegal.

So, yeah.

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