Tuesday, May 25, 2010


My mum thinks that I have been taking an overdose of my medication

But I haven't why is she thinking this and is there anyway I can stop her thinking this I have said that I haven't but she just keeps on thinking that
maybe she just worries about you. what about labelling your medication, or seperating it into daily amounts
Run away from home
what's the drug your on??
what's your questiion?
tell her if she dont know she aint sopost to talk
if its tablets count out whats left then show her how many are gone from the date you got them
mums are just very suspicious lol
What meds are you taking?
Maybe you need to have your mom give you the meds so that she feels safe that you are not overdoing it.
sit her down and talk to her about it, tell her to give you the correct dose daily until she can trust you.
Allow her to see how much medication is left. If she persists in thinking you overdosed, offer to have her take to to the hospital to be checked. I don't know why she would think that unless you are acting different or have physical symptoms which you haven't mentioned here. You might be getting sick. Sometimes illness can cause people to act in ways that appear drugged.
Sounds like your mam is worried about you.All mums worry try not to let it get you down she is only looking out for you.You could if it is tablets give her them to count then she might get off your back.

my mum is like this when it comes to my eating disorder, she doesn't believe me and can say hurtful things which makes me feel worse. It depends how you feel about her doubting you, as to what you should do. If you are angry and feel that you shouldn't be made feel this way and need some control, tell her in a mature way that you are hurt by what she is saying and ask her to trust you. Or practically you could tell her to count the tablets to show you haven't overdosed, or let her keep your tablets and she can administer them..mums are like this..you could also ask someoen else to speak to her that you trust and who trusts you such as another adult or your family doctor/counsellor or teacher etc

best of luck
Print her this page.

Then she'll see that your telling the truth, and she'll see that I gave you the idea to tell her and you didn't just make this all up

good luck
take care
Just sit her down and give her some reassurance, mums are meant to fuss
You should have a serious talk with ur mom. Show her wat u take and wats left. and dont run away...thats not the answer... just be serious and mature with her
give ur mum ur meds and then she wont be suspicious then!simple!
r u on tablets...if so shes probably been checkn da bottle...there cud b a numba of reason ave u asked her?

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