Saturday, October 31, 2009

OMG NEED HELP ASAP! i really need help by 4:15 !?

ok i have this huge zit at the bottom of my nose and i am going to fun night at 6:15. HELP ME! how do you get rid of zits, or at least stop the swelling. i need help ASAP!!!!!!!!!!...
ice it...or if it is almost ready to "pop", put a warm compress on it to force it along...
Put a dab of toothpaste on it.
You can't by 6:15. You'll have to use makeup. You should keep a container on-hand of green concealer. Yes, green. Believe me, you put a little green concealer on that pimple and all the redness will be gone. The pimple will still be there, but it won't hardly be noticeable.
Other than makeup, there isn't much of anything you can do. But please don't touch it, squeeze, pick, pop the pimple. That will make it MUCH worse looking, spread the bacteria and you'll always have a scar there--permanently.
Try using a litle bit of ice. Wrap it in a paper towel, but only hold it on there for 20 minutes. Longer than that and you will freezer-burn your skin.
. Mix together baking soda and Apple Cider Vinegar until it becomes a paste. Dab some of the mixture onto your zit or pimples and let it dry - then wash with warm water and pat with a clean towel.

2. Use salicylic acid, which is basically aspirin. Grind up the tablet of aspirin and mix with either lemon juice or vinegar until it makes a paste. Dab some of the paste onto your skin and let it dry - wash with warm water and dry with a clean towel.

3. Use toothpaste or hydrogen peroxide to dry out your pimples overnight.

Make sure to drink a lot of water - at least 8 tall glasses per day. Wash your face with warm water and pat dry with a clean towel at least twice per day.

Acne or pimples are caused by hormonal changes, bad eating habits and improper skin care. Home remedies are based on herbs and natural ingredients that should treat your skin problems or at least help improve the skin disorders.

hope it helps
Put ice on it. It will reduce the swelling.
Rubbing Alochol, to cleanse, ice for swelling, Tylenol
Cover the spot in toothpaste until right before you go!
soak a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol. then rub it on your pimple. it helps dry it up! i use it all the time!
ok here is a list of things you could do

1)put cover up or fondation on it

2)numb it with ice and pop it caution-may leave scar

3)just leave it looks shouldn't matter

hope that helps good luck
go to the store and try that proactive it really works
If you need a temporary solution, hold an ice cube to it for a little while. The cold ease the swelling, but try not to touch it too much. Yes it will be cold, but it works pretty well.
OK, calm down. first off, DONT PICK! if it is not ready to pop that will just irritate it and make it red. Apply come thing cold like an ice pack to it for a few minutes. That should reduce swelling and redness. Then gently apply cover up foundation and powder. Just make sure the foundation is not globbed on or it will look funny. If possible put on really dramatic eye make up to draw the attention up and off ur nose. Works well for me.
take a safety pin and pop it and when u pop it put some vasiliene on it thats whut i do it really works!!
Ok i'm here for you. Just get a paper towel of toilet paper and get it wet. Then dump a needle in alchohaulk or water (alchohal is better). If there is a white spot on the zit, poke the white spot with the needle and push on both sides of the zit. Wipe the puss and blood off the zit and put a hot washcloth on it. It doesnt hurt and it takes 2 min. Hope Its BEttrer!
and who cares about how you look
its who you are
just me is right, either ice it to reduce the swelling, or hot water or steam to force it open if it has a head ready to blow!
No way to get rid of it, but you could give yourself a blackeye to distract away attention.
Crush up an aspirin, and mix just enough water to make a thick paste out of it and apply. Let it sit and dry and then wash off with warm water. You can also make a mask and apply it to your whole face for improved appearance. I read about it in a magazine from a celebrity make up artist...she uses it for situations just like yours and swears by it! I've tried it and loved it! Good Luck!
well i had the perfect answer, but i see that it is 4:17.


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