Saturday, October 31, 2009

OCD question?

I know I have OCD not diagnosed but i tried to tell my mom but she was almost in denial it's not something i like to talk about so I dont want to keep mentioning it but are there any ways to treat it w/o meds or what do the meds do how helpful are they .OCD doesnt totally control my day but there i do wish to cut out the repetition of task which I know is stupid and pointless to do but can't move on with-out doing it...any advice or help will be greatly appreciated
Very unfortunate that you don't have good support. I have a friend that has been using a website called OCD foundation. She also has read a book called," Brain Lock" by JefferySchartz. I can see improvement in her. She said it has taught her how to refocus. Good Luck.
There's nothing wrong with having OCD, and your mom isnt doing you any favors by denying that you have it. OCD is often associated with Terrets, bi-polar disorder, and depression. You could try getting on an anti-depressant, but the thing I found works for me is just to relax. When I get worked up it gets worse (yes, i suffer from it too) so when you find it becoming more of a problem then try to relax, concentrate on not doing whatever it is you feel compelled to do and try not to do it. If you can find a relaxation technique that helps you may find improvement in your day.
Medications are the most effective treatment for OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder). They do not prevent the symptoms entirely, but tone them down so they are more manageable. The usual medications of first choice are SSRIs (serotonin-specific re-uptake inhibitors), such as fluvoxamine (Luvox) and fluoxetine (Prozac). "Behavior therapy" can also provide benefit, usually in conjunction with medication. In behavior therapy a psychologist or counselor works with you to reduce your anxiety in such a way that fewer rituals are required to calm yourself down. By the way, you are to be congratulated for talking about your symptoms. Although many people have OCD, few are bold enough to mention their symptoms because they find them too embarrassing. But you are not alone!

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