Saturday, October 31, 2009

OK odd but serious question. My fifteen year old sons nipples seem swollen.?

They look like an eleven years old girls. They have been like this for quite some time. He is worried it is cancer. I say it is not, probably just some puberty thing. Anyone else like this when you were young? If yes, is it something He will outgrow or should he see a doctor?
Swollen breasts in boys is usually due to elevated hormone levels during puberty. It is not usually a serious condition, but best to see your doctor just to be sure.
for gods sakes take him to a doctor!!
my son had that same problem but it was his hormones at 16 now they are fine obviously cause I am about to be a grandma at 34!!!!!!!
it wouldn't hurt to have the Dr check him out
There are a lot of xenoestrogens in chemicals and air particulates anymore. Also in plastic food containers. I doubt it's cancer, but it's very possible his estrogen levels are elevated. I'd take him to the doctor and have it checked out. You may possibly find out there's nothing wrong, but if there is...better to know and get it taken care of.
Take him to a doctor and get him checked out.It may just be hormones.
JLO - Phil Connors here. The same thing happened to my son around that age and he was really self-conscious about it. Well, we went to our family practitioner and he said it is a fairly common occurrance in guys going into/through puberty. My advice - if he's concerned about it, take him to the doctor. It will be worth the office visit charge to put him at ease. Hope that helps. Phil.
It is normal in puberty for a male to have his nipples swell and get very sensitive. So sensitive a t-shirt hurts when it rubs against them. This is normal and after a few months they quit developing. The problem is the breast area swells a little before the boy starts to develope the mature male chest and physique. The result is the boy thinks he is going to have breasts. What really happens is the upper torso fills out and muscles develope and all of sudden the nipples are normal size for a man. So tell your son to relax. When you do the school physical for next year if it is still a concern mention it to the doctor and they will determine if it is excessive. Hormones will fix it.

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