Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Organic - vs - Genitically Engineered?? Which do you choose? I say 'all natural'?

In special mention today on MSN, there have been several investigations into the foods that Americans consume daily. According to the reports all those luscious, huge strawberries we eat as well as other exceptionally 'large' fruits and veggies are that way for one reason. They ARE 'G.E.' foods.

There are also other organizations which would like to curtail the use of manure for organic farming because of the e-coli bacteria. However, there ARE alternatives to manure such as 'fish emulsion'...or other safe and natural fertilizers.

The argument with me is, is that when we were kids (back in the 50's) we ate fruits from the orchards never having to even think about e-coli and NONE of us died...nor were ever sick before they began 'altering' foods one way or another. There was NO 'mad cow disease' and we let the cattle graze on the grasses the land had to offer, without worry of pestisides. They didn't CHARGE MORE for foods grown or cattle raised without these things. WHY NOW?
We raise our own cows,hogs,chickens,vegetables and fruits .We use mulch and heirloom seeds .The thought of the genetically altered seeds and animals scare me to death.Think about the calves recently born with two extra legs and the one born with two noses.
I don't know, but we have started to grow our own vegetables, a few fruits.
I tell you what its all B.S. the American standerd for "Organic" is very low, There is allowed like some two punds of rat fececes to be allowed within a 10x10 area of our food, like at McDonalds or Wendy's. The USDA standard has dropped so dramatically that the pestecided and other chem. they dump over all our produce is enough to seriously compare to the Holocaust. Organic is great but it shouldnt be more expensive like it is, i mean organic means from the earth why pay more for somthing that cost less to produce?

But I guess thats just our greedy capitalist way, rape and pillage to get to the top. **** it though, im sticking to only eating bugs and other protein i can get my hands on.

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